Fantasia: Deleted Scenes

As mentioned in my review of Fantasia, one of Walt Disney's original ideas was to re-release the film on a regular basis with various new sequences swopped in.  This never happened but I did find details about a bunch of sequences which had been planned.  Here's a link to Disney wiki (rather than just have me rewrite it all - the pictures included are very interesting).  I particular like the look of the Adventures in a Perambulator - the point of view of a baby in its pram.

There was also one sequence which was intended for inclusion in the original Fantasia, set to the piece of music Clair de Lune.

It is horrendously dull.  The music is unmemorable and the animation accompanying it equally so.  It involves two egrets flying around a dark, watery, bayou.  Hardly anything happens and visually it is very uninteresting.  The bayou is very dark and little detail is included.  There are repeated shots of the moon mirrored in the water and of the egrets swooping around.  It is easy to see why this was removed from the original release and had it been included I hazard a guess that it would rarely have topped anyone's favourite segments list.


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