Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Video Game

Released on the Gameboy Color - and available to play at Game Oldies: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - this game is not going to be a classic of any genre - Nintendo, Disney or Snow White.

The Easy mode involves walking Snow White (and later, Grumpy) through side-scrolling landscapes: the Queen's castle; a woodland; the diamond mine picking up flowers, butterflies, hearts, bunnies and diamonds.  There are a few hidden passages needed to find some of these but none of these sections are challenging in the least.  The final levels include collecting apples in the forest, a matching card game and then a final, Tetris like minigame which ends play.

In between the levels are other mini-games which are a bit more challenging: Catch the dishes (flicked towards you by a deer); shoot the vultures by reflecting sunlight off a diamond; find your way out of a labyrinth; rearrange a sliding picture puzzle.

The levels and games are separated by short text and illustrated screens telling the story of Snow White.  After each level the player is given a passcode (consisting of 4 different shapes) to allow access to the level they stopped playing on.

It isn't a great game but the Challenge mode is a bit more interesting.  You actually have to search a bit harder for the various objects and you are required to press 'B' to pick up the items.  You also need to do a bit of detective work to find some items, including jumping from place to place.  The mini-games are also harder - the labyrinth one, for example, gives Snow White a lot less lives meaning that the player has to try harder to avoid the nasties who take the lives away.  When she loses all her lives, Snow White breaks down in tears!

There is also a 'playground' mode which allows you to access the different mini-games separately.


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