Snow White: Emoji Blitz

An absolute favourite mobile game of mine is Disney Emoji Blitz.  It's a match game with lots of Disney characters in emoji form.  And when I say lots, I mean lots!

I've been playing the game for a good few years now and have amassed quite a collection of emojis.  The emojis are split into various groups including Silver, Gold, Diamond and Rainbow.  The Diamond and Rainbow emojis are harder to acquire and are often prizes in special events (although they are never a guaranteed prize - it's still a luck of the draw situation).

It took quite a while for Snow White emojis to appear in the game, but there are now six characters from Walt Disney's very first movie.

The first to be released was the Evil Queen.  She came to the game in what is called a 'Villain Event'.  These involve the player getting an item (related to the villain in question: the Evil Queen's item was a golden heart with a knife through it - the symbol on the front of the box she intends to put Snow White's heart into after the Hunstman has killed her) to fall to the bottom of the board and ultimately gather enough of these to 'defeat' the villain.  The event has a 'map' which is divided into sections and smaller amounts of the item achieve coins, gems and other 'boosts' as rewards on the route to getting the ultimate reward of the villain emoji themselves.

Each emoji has a power.  The Evil Queen's power is to turn into the old witch and put poisoned apples over certain emojis who then fall asleep and fall off the board (this allows the player to gain points and coins).

Much later, further emojis from the story were added - Snow White, Dopey and the Magic Mirror.  The Magic Mirror is a 'diamond exclusive' and very hard to obtain (I don't have it in my collection yet), but Snow White and Dopey were 'gold' and so quite easy to get.

Snow White's power is to put suns on the emoji board.  Her animal friends (a bunny, a bluebird and a chick place the suns on the board as Snow White sings to them).  Suns can be used to clear lines of emojis.  Dopey's power sees him jump on to the board and knock his fellow dwarves off a branch, clearing emojis as they fall.  Each emojis power increases in its effect as they are levelled up.  For example, at Level 1, Snow White places one sun on the board, whereas at Level 3 (which is the level I have her at) she places three suns.

A little while later, the game added two further emojis to the game - the Prince and Grumpy.  The Prince's power involves kissing Snow White which gives some emojis hearts in their eyes (when cleared these emojis give extra coins) and also clears an area of emojis.  Grumpy is given a wash by the other dwarves and as he runs away in a grump, he clears emojis.

As I don't own him yet, I don't quite know what the Mirror's power is but  believe it involves 'mirroring' power ups that are on the board (lightning bolts, the aforementioned suns or the most powerful, rainbow stars) i.e. placing another of those power ups next to them.

Snow White's emojis have featured in a few 'events' (times in the game when extra rewards can be earned as well as new emojis).  The aforementioned Villain events have been followed by a 'Survival Event' which sees players needing to 'clear' poisoned apples off the board.  These events allow players to keep playing until a timer runs out and the better you play, the longer you play for.  The more apples (or whatever symbol is used), the more rewards you get and the further through the event you progress.


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