Snow White in Disneyland Adventures

Disneyland Adventures is another favourite Disney video game of mine.  We originally had it for the Xbox 360 Kinect - which is a bit like the Wii for Xbox.  So, as a game, it involved a lot of standing up, waving your arms around and slightly frustrating game play (I more or less abandoned it after continually failing to grab an object on a very difficult Finding Nemo-themed game).

Recently we upgraded to an Xbox One S and through the wonders of a discounted Game Pass have managed to access the game again, but this time with a controller-controlled version, which makes playing the game a whole lot easier.

Various Disney characters appear in the game, which involves travelling around Disneyland completing various quests, and Snow White is one of them.  She stands by Snow White Grotto and the wishing well that stands in front of it. 

Snow White's quests invariably involve ingredients for pies so she can bake them for the dwarfs.  She also asks the player to use their water pistol to bring flowers around the grotto into bloom.  Later, Snow White asks the player to hunt for the dwarf's mining tools.

Snow White will also sign your autograph book and have her photograph taken with you for your photo album.


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