Dumbo Mousecellaneous

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Dumbo is another of Disney's iconic characters.  'His' ride appears in nearly every park.  However, much like many four-legged Disney characters, he isn't seen at any Meet and Greets and nor are any of the film's other main characters - although the Ringmaster did appear in Tokyo Disneyland for a while as part of their Jubilation! parade.

The Ringmaster is an interesting character.  In the film he is relatively neutral in terms of the story's plot - he isn't an out and out villain in the same way as those that appeared in the three previous films.  However, the computer game, Villain's Revenge features him alongside three other more recognised villains who are trying to change the ending of their stories.  Jiminy Cricket also appears in this game, trying to aid the player in their defeat of the villains.

Dumbo himself has gone on to have a life beyond the film.  A TV series Dumbo's Circus was made, running to 114 episodes and airing on the Disney Channel.  In it, Dumbo has grown up, learnt to speak and is travelling around with his own circus.  I tried watching an episode on Youtube but gave up as it is truly, truly terrible.

Far more successful is the live action version of Dumbo released in 2019.  An actual sequel, Dumbo II, was planned for straight to video release in the era when Disney was churning out sequels of varying quality to it's main canon.  This was cancelled though when John Lasseter took over as CEO and shelved all future projects of that ilk.

From 2009 to 2018, Dumbo Bucket Brigade was a game at Games on the Boardwalk at Paradise Pier (now Pixar Pier).  It involved players squirting a jet of water at a bucket target which would raise their clown to rescue Dumbo from the flames (as seen in the film).

Timothy's Treats is a hot dog stand at Shanghai Disneyland (which, what with Cleo's, seems to be going for a 'how many stands can we name after characters from the Disney canon' record).  It is a pillared building with a bright blue roof and a large sign with an image of Timothy at the top.  The Casey Jnr Trinket Train, also at Shanghai Disneyland, is a small merchandise stand which, as far as I can tell, bears absolutely no resemblance to Casey Jnr.

At Hong Kong Disneyland, Dumbo and Timothy Mouse fronted the first float for the Flights of Fantasy Parade.  Dumbo was a full animatronic figure.  Many other parades have featured Dumbo across the various parks and one in particular is the Mickey's Storybook Express parade at Shanghai Disneyland.  In it, the parade is lead by a full size Casey Jnr driven by Mickey and Donald with Dumbo and Timothy sitting on the top.

Dumbo, it's characters, songs and scenes are also part of many of the fireworks shows shown around the parks.


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