Pinocchio in Disneyland Adventures

Pinocchio is a 'meet and greet' figure in the game Disneyland Adventures.  He stands between the Dumbo the Flying Elephant ride (which players can 'ride' virtually) and the Storybook Land Canal Boats (where the enormous mouth of Monstro lets guests sail through (although this is not a ride players can interact with, unfortunately).

Like Snow White, Pinocchio will give players a variety of quests if interacted with.  His first quest involves gathering toffee apples from around the park to give to him.  He then send you to retrieve Geppetto's lost chisels.

Not satisfied with all the toffee apples you've already brought him, Pinocchio then asks players to find more so he can give them to his friends.  This is a quest which takes a while, similar to Snow White's second gooseberry basket quest.  The items for these quests are spread all over the park, not just near to the character (which those items for initial quests usually are).  Therefore it takes a while to complete these longer quests as there are 10 items in total all over the various lands.

Pinocchio will also send you to gather pepper pots which he then uses to make Monstro sneeze, scattering his books everywhere - which you must then gather up for him.

Using your fishing rod, players then need to get Geppetto's lamp out of the lake (near where Monstro is).  After this, players are sent to take photographs of various locations around the park for a book Pinocchio has made for Geppetto.  The camera is the first object players are given in the game and there are many spots around the park where photos can be taken and added to photo albums.  Occasionally, as with Pinocchio, characters will give extra photo missions to be completed.  (In the Kinect version, players would 'pose' for the photos).

As with Snow White, players can also high five, hug and dance with Pinocchio as well as get him to sign the appropriate autograph book and have a photo taken with for your album.


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